Dott.Fabio Comella guida turistica regione Campania
...Una delle città più belle d'Italia. Addentrarsi nei luoghi del mito e della storia, gustare la miglior pizza. Meravigliarsi delle antiche città ritrovate di Pompei ed Ercolano. Immergersi nel verde di un parco e visitare una delle regge reali della napoli borbonica... Questo e altro nei miei itinerari...
Questo blog nasce come diario in cui racconto le mie esperienze e le mie emozioni nello svolgere il mio lavoro di Guida Turistica della Regione Campania
Il blog per alcuni anni ha funzionato come web site per prommuovere tours & itinerari. Dal 2015 visitare Napoli torna ad essere un blog di attualità partenopea e cede il suo posto al più moderno Sito Web "DISCOVERING NAPOLI" ( ) dove potete trovare tutti i servizi per le vostre visite guidate , eseguite da guide turistiche abilitate e professionisti del turismo
sabato 8 agosto 2015
Hello dears, Today I'd like post you an article saw few days ago writen by an biologist on her blog "alwasyabroad" about Naples (Italy) enjoy your reading! :
"My recent discovery, an article in the Business Insider UK, has shaken my world a little bit. “Why no one wants to travel to Naples”
was a headline that immediately caught my attention yet I couldn’t have
guessed that an article implementing such a poor level of journalism
could have been published in a leading UK magazine. Read the piece of
crap here.
Now, in case you are interested in learning some up-to-date
information that has not been mixed with bizarre statistics and
incorrect facts about Naples, read on.
There is an incredible amount of stuff to do and see in Naples.
Business Insider UK: “TripAdvisor lists a total of 149 sights and
landmarks and 118 activities and tours for Naples. For Rome, there’s
552 sights and landmarks and 618 tours and activities.” Therefore, there is “not all that much to do or see in Naples“. Wow. Just wow.
One of the best things about Naples is that it is not a crowded
tourist hellhole. Tourists are often unaware of the gems of the city,
but once found, they will be shocked to realise that there is no
two-hour queue to enter the landmark. This will save you not only time
but also a great deal of frustration on your holiday.
The Historic Centre of Naples is an UNESCO world heritage site.
Naples’ centro storico is full of artisan shops and handicraft boutiques
I bet there are not that many cities where you can go visit an
ancient underground network of tunnels beneath the modern city. See my
blog post about our visit in Napoli Sotterraneahere.
Napoli Sotterranea offers tours in English and Italian
Museo di Capodimonte not only has a great collection of art but the park and the view are also spectacular.
Penises not visible in this photo, though.
There are so bloody many churches just around every single corner corner that you could not possibly visit even half of them during your holiday.
Church of Gesu Nuovo looks like a dull wall of concrete on the outside, but surprises every visitor once you step in
Same goes for castles.
Castel Nuovo is so big it went all distorted in the photo.Riding tours on an active volcano (which also
happens to be the world’s most dangerous one, although I’m not sure if
that is a great selling point… However, horses would sense an upcoming
eruption long before humans would so being around them could actually
save your life).
Riding to the sunset. Photo via Vesuvius Horseback Riding TourKayak trips to Roman houses and secret caves, anyone? Kayak Napoli‘s website here. Graffiti, more or less artistic, can be found just about everywhere.
If you are into creepy stuff, try Catacombe di San Gennaro, Fontanelle cemetery and Santa Maria del Purgatorio. Photo courtesy here.
Cimitero delle Fontanelle : Take your tour click : hereTeatro di San Carlo, the oldest opera house in Europe, shows opera continuously. Photo by Vittorio Pandolfi, via Flickr.
Teatro di San Carlo is the oldest theatre in EuropeStazione Zoologica is the home to the oldest public aquarium in Europe. Photo via SZN.
SZN is located in a beautiful park by the sea
The stations of Metropolitana di Napoli look bloody amazing. Each station is designed by a different architect.
. Pompeii, one of the world’s most visited archaeological sites, is only a short ride away.
Photo by Jon Berghoff. To book tours:
See that shady brick at the end of the park in the distance? Yes, it's enormous Palace of Caserta.
The islands of Capri, Ischia, Procida, Ventotene and Ponza surround the Bay of Naples.
Wait, does this mean that Naples has the best food in the world? Wouldn’t doubt it.
Naples is the birthplace of pizza…
Margheritas and a Filetto at Gino Sorbillo on Via Partenope
Home to espresso… Riccia has a crispy outside and a creamy inside… Mozzarella di Bufala will blow your mind…
real mozzarella has a sweet skin and is full of buffalo milk, most
commonly eaten with piece of bread dunked in the milk. Simply divine.Olives!
Let’s not even get started with the seafood…
Spaghetti alla Vongole. Penne alla Siciliana on the background
What about gelato?!
Pistacchio e stracciatella.
Naples is stunningly beautiful
Let the photos speak for themselves.
Castell dell’Ovo in the distanceChaotic yet charming. An alley off Via Toledo, the main shopping streetPiazza Amedeo. Not all areas in Naples look like landfills for toxic waste.Lungomare, Via Partenope
Naples is the city of love
Although often overlooked by tourists, I consider this an
essential element about Naples. One cannot really understand the soul of
Naples without acknowledging that the city is all about love, emotions
and passion.
Graffiti around the streets of Naples may look disturbing to someone
visiting the city for the first time, but once you realise that the
majority of them are just love letters from one lovestruck teenager to
another, your heart melts. Ti amo Maria and Mi manchi Francesco seem to be written all around the city.
Subtle declarations of love
Imagine St. Valentine’s day in Naples: couples walking hand in hand,
immigrants selling roses to bypassers on the streets (and the women
getting offended if their partner doesn’t buy them one), and restaurants
decorated with heart shaped balloons, offering only San Valentino‘s special menus. This is the most romantic day of the year and Neapolitans are not afraid to show the love.
Neapolitan love locks.
In fact, PDA’s (public displays of affection, what a terrible term) are a common sight on the streets of Naples all year round.
Yes, there is a girl underneath the man without a head on the right.
Naples is the most unique city in Italy
Now that was a bold statement, but certainly not any bolder than the “facts” stated in the Business Insider article.
Just like the streets of the city, the people of Naples are also
colourful, lively, warm and fun. When I first met my boyfriend (who
would probably like me to state here that he himself is Sicilian, not
Neapolitan) and started my regular visits to Naples, I did not
understand a word in Italian nor the locals a word in English, but
somehow I always found myself in conversations with locals, feeling like
we were already friends.
This boy casually asked me to photograph him and immediately stroke a cool pose like a pro. Clearly Neapolitan!
Something that should be taken into account when comparing Naples
with the glorious and clean Northern Italian towns is that Naples is one
of the few cities that has been continuously inhabited for over 3000
years. That means Naples existed long before Rome, Milan or Venice. It
is a city that has seen it all and survived it all, whether it was a
powerful eruption of a volcano, an invasion of the Greeks, Normans,
French or Spanish, or the ground being sabotaged by toxic waste by the
mafia. Naples has almost always been poor and thanks to that, the poor
man’s kitchen, cucina povera, and pizza, a street food dish for poor people, were born.
Naples has always highlighted its Greek heritage, even in the Roman
times, and is proud to be considered different from other Italian cities
and towns, holding the head high while doing so. Neapolitan dialect is
still alive and well, and people a little louder and prouder than
elsewhere. It is not a surprise that writers and artists from Oscar Wilde to Andy Warhol have been inspired by the beauty of the city – the rustiness, the loudness and the liveliness of it.
Bella Napoli – filthy and poor or vibrant and inspiring? Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.
I guess Naples is not a city for everyone, though. There are
travellers who are not willing to step out of their comfort zone and
wander to streets where the sightseeing bus tour won’t take them, and
tourists who cannot be bothered to learn a word or two in Italian to
know what they are ordering in a restaurant where no one speaks English.
Some are frightened by rumours of high rates of criminality and don’t
realise that Barcelona and London are cities where you are just as
likely to become mugged or pickpocketed, and that Camorra, the
Neapolitan mafia, does not mean a bunch of criminals going around the
streets culling tourists as they come.
Yes, the traffic rules may be only suggestions in Naples and the
drivers complete maniacs, the train station may look dreadful and
spotting stray dogs may break your heart, and you may have to rise your
voice from time to time to get what you want. However, every city has
its faults. Wouldn’t it be justified to excuse this ancient, way too
densely populated city from a few of her defects? Because once you let
yourself to go with the flow and the city to embrace you, I guarantee
that the Neapolitan people, culture and all the treasures will give true
meaning to the old proverb, “Vedi Napoli e poi muori!“.
What to say??? Just thank Saana for writing a such true and charming artcicle! :D May be you might also interested to : "What to see in Naples " click here
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